Friday, August 28, 2015

Camping in Camalara, 4-H Style

Hello!! Today I’m talking about one of my favorite hobbies, camping. I love all things outdoors, including biking, hiking, climbing trees, etc., but camping by far is the best, in my opinion. My best camping experience happened on a 4-H camping trip, for our club, in September last year. We drove to Camalara Park, and arrived at our campgrounds in time to watch them, the adults of the group, light the fire.

After arriving, and setting up a few tables, and snacks, I went off with my cousins, uncle, and two family friends who are deacons at our church, and we went fishing for a while. After about 20 minutes, and no fish caught, me and my friends started to climb trees, and take pictures of each other. Then after a while of that, we cooked some campfire pizzas, and ate tons of chili. After “dinner” my friends and I started off on the very cool, beautiful, and cozy hiking trail.

On the trail, we came across wobbly bridges, tunnels through the underbrush, and secret entrances to lakes, and clearings. We spent hours, like half the day, just walking, goofing around, and filming the scenery. Literally, when we got back to camp, it was dark out, and the fire was roaring. We all took some sticks that people had collected for the trip, and toasted some marshmallows, to make s’mores. They were DELICIOUS!! We then played a few games: capture the flag, tag, hide and seek, etc. Unfortunately we couldn’t stay overnight, since we hadn’t brought our sleeping bags along, but overall, it was an amazing day!!

I had a great time at the campgrounds, and I’d like to recommend that you should try out 4-H for yourselves, for great experiences, fun education and more!! If you don’t want to join 4-H, then at least go check out Camalara Park for yourselves! You’ll see, it’s amazing!!

Here is a link if you would like to check out 4-H for yourselves:

Have a Gr8 Day!! xD